SERNE MEMORIES – Levente Szücs

Opening Tuesday 12th of September 2023, 7.00 PM, Galerie Reinisch, Hauptplatz 6, Graz

Introduction: Günther Holler-Schuster

The artist is present.

Exhibition until 14th of October 2023

Levente Szücs shares Serene Memories with us in his first exclusively sculpture exhibition. The Düsseldorf-based artist is actually a painter, but has always worked with three-dimensionality at the same time. This time he uses boulders, which are supplemented by carved wooden details (houses, trees, ladders, etc.) to become miniature habitats – models of places of longing or of habitable meteorites that penetrate into the vastness of space. The models, as sober and sparse as they look, have a rich measure of the imaginary. They claim a difference from the real, but that is precisely where the scope of the imagination that accompanies models in general lies. The almost meditative ensembles by Levente Szücs enable orientation and analogies. But they also offer the audience points of contact with their own longings and fears, as a kind of mobilization of their own imagination.

Günther Holler-Schuster

Reinisch Contemporary